September 28, 2010

9/28 Caineville, Capitol Reef National Park

9/28 fine day form Torrey to Caineville
At 8:30 bamboo bike said good-bye to Rick and staj and passed Capitol Reef National Park and aimed to Hanksville, on the way bamboo bike dropped by the store in Caineville.  Ar the Capitol Reed I saw many strange red rocks, those were artistic.

Bamboo bike took rest and had a cup of coffee at the store., ate lunch.Tomatos were so sweet and apples were also so sweet!

The boss of the store Randy was so kind and friendly and we talked much. I learned from Randy much about hemp, Mesa, petroglyph of Indian and the life. I had valuable time here in Caineville, KAFFEE COFFEE HOUSE. On the entrance door of this store one petroglyph was written, which sign means "corn","mysterious".  It was valuable story I thought.
Bamboo bike homestayed at the store of Randy tonight. Thanks Randy. He taught me the importance of thinking neutral, that will give us the look duality of things and gave us the peace.  Strong wind sometimes causes us difficulty but sometimes follow us. He is my teacher.

Takashi 2010/9/28 @Caineville


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